About us

                                SProC ( Sona Programming Club ) has been started in order to improve the programming skills of the students studying in Sona College of Technology.

The major objectives of this club are to
  1. Improve the programming skills of students.
  2. Learn various methods of solving programming problems in different points of view.
  3. Motivate students to learn programming with enthusiasm.

  1. Train students to solve programming problems of varying difficulty levels given in websites like www.codechef.com, www.spoj.pl, etc.
  2. Meet weekly once and discuss about various algorithms.
  3. Periodically suggest books to learn various programming languages.
  4. Frequently conduct innovative events related to programming and motivate students to develop programming skills.
  5. Regularly update the new standards and changes of the programming languages.

Who can join the team?
Anybody can be a part of this club, who
  1. Are interested in programming.
  2. Needs to take part in various programming events, both inter-college and intra-college.
  3. Wants to learn programming with fun.
  4. Likes to get the latest updates in the programming field.

Logo description:

      The logo represents the first letters of each "Sona", "Programming" and "Club". (Green = 'S', Blue = 'P' and Red = 'C'). Even after rotating the logo upside down, the representation gives SPC (Green = 'S', Blue + Red = 'P', Blue = 'C'). One can find a person saluting and the same part become an exclamatory mark on rotating the logo by 180 degrees.

   1. Sri. C. Valliappa
   2. Sri. A. Dhirajlal
   3. Dr. C.V. Koushik

       Dr. J. Akilandeswari

Executive members :
  1. Mohan Prasath. S  (IV year)

Core team members :
  1. Antony Prabu. P         (IV year)
  2. Karpagam                   (IV year)
  3. Mohamed Irfan .P      (III year)
  4. Venkateshwaran R S   (III year)
  5. Apurva V                   (III year)
  6. Aravind balaji N.C      (III year)
  7. Gayathri C                 (III year)
  8. Deepika S                  (III year)