
                The following books are recommended for learning the C programming language.
1. Let us C - Yashavant Kanetkar ( Basic )
2. Working with C -
Yashavant Kanetkar ( Basic )
3. ANSI C -
E . Balagurusamy ( Basic )
4. An introduction to gcc -
Brian Gough ( Intermediate )
The C programming language - Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan ( Intermediate )
6. C - test your aptitude -
Venugopal . K. R ( Intermediate )
7. The GNU C Library -
Sandra Loosemore ( Advanced )
8. The C book -
Mike Banahan, Dcclan Brady and Mark Doran ( Advanced )
9. Test your C skills -
Yashavant Kanetkar ( Advanced )
10. Graphics under C -
Yashavant Kanetkar ( Very advanced )
11. Understanding pointers in C -
Yashavant Kanetkar ( Intermediate and very advanced )
12. C Column collection -
Yashavant Kanetkar ( Very advanced )
13. C pearls -
Yashavant Kanetkar ( Very advanced )
14. C projects -
Yashavant Kanetkar ( Very very advanced )

                   The books recommended for learning C++ programming are
1. Let Us C++  - Yashavant Kanetkar
2. C++ Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt
3. Teach Yourself C++ in 21 days - Jesse Liberty

The books recommended for learning Java programming are
1. Java Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt
2. Core Java - Cay S. Horstmann
3. Head First Java - Kathy Sierra

Note: Most of these books are available at our college library itself and you will be mailed the pdf of these books on request. Send your requests to


  1. It will be better to give the link of the book(pdf link)

    1. We are currently working towards it. Thanks for your suggestion.

  2. ya if there is pdf link it would be better bcoz i cant get some books
    i want "let us C"
