Answer: java.lang.Object
2. What type of language is Java?
Answer: Pure Object Oriented
3. Which package in Java is automatically imported ( imported implicitly ) ?
Answer: java.lang
4. Which one of the following is a valid boolean declaration ?
Answer: boolean b = false;
5. What is the numerical range of a char?
Answer: 0 to 65535
6. What does the following code do ?
- public static void main(String[] args)
- {
- int a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 };
- for(int b:a)
- System.out.println(b);
- }
- Answer: Print the values of a
- Explanation: ':' is 'for each' operator and is special in Java.
- 7. Predict the output
- public static void main(String[] args)
- {
- int a; System.out.println(a);
- }
- Answer: None of the above (neither 0 nor garbage)
- Explanation: This produces 'variable not initialized' error
- 8. Predict the output
- public static void main(String[] args)
- {
- String str = "Sona";
- System.out.println(str[1]);
- }
- Answer: Error
- Explanation: The [] operator is available only for array data types. String is a class.
- 9. How will you find the number of elements in an array ( of any data type ) in Java ?
- Answer: Using the length member of the array object
- 10. What will you use to find the length of a String in Java.
- Answer: length() method.
- 11. How to you compare two String objects in Java ?
- Answer: s1.equals(s2)
- Explanation: The equals method available in the String class makes the comparison between the String objects and returns a boolean.
- 12. How do you force garbage collection in Java ?
- Answer: System.gc();
- Explanation: Though Java supports automatic garbage collection, manually garbage collection is also possible by calling gc() method of System class.
- 13. How can you achieve multiple inheritance in Java ?
- Through interface it can be achieved
- Explanation: Not only through interface, but also through multi-level inheritance, multiple inheritance is indirectly achievable in Java.
- 14. What is the base class of the class Object ?
- Answer: null
- Explanation: All the classes are derived from the Object class, whereas the Object class has no super class. In other words, Object class is not derived from any other class.
- 15. How do you redirect the output to a file in Java ?
- Answers: Use PrintStream object everywhere instead of System.out,
- Pass the PrintStream object to setOut method of System class.
- Explanation: Both the answers are actually correct. But, the most general thing is the latter, because, if we want the output in console, we can comment just one statement.
- Explanation: The finally block is executed even when an exception occurs (after executing catch block).
- Answer: Only method overloading is supported
Answer: 7
Answer: for – each
Answer: Keyword
'if' is a keyword, which is used for writing conditional statements.
For example:
'if' is a keyword.
}' is a conditional statement (which uses 'if' keyword).
Answer: Oak
Answer: Both try and catch
Answer: sort() method available in the Arrays class
Answer: final class can not be inherited
Answer: Interface
- Explanation: super() calls the base class constructor.
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